Sims 3 kinky world whoring
Sims 3 kinky world whoring

Not that we reckon they’ll have many problems with troublemakers, if everyone feels the same way about Reggie as we do, whose grin scares the crap out of us! the latter being those only joining to leech members to their own failing blogs/forums/both) in check from the outset, and keep up the momentum as a distinct community, this could have a future. If they can keep the flamers, attention whores and leeches (ie. Bwahahahahaha! It barely lasted two hours! Well at least they got the last five words about right! We’ll give it two weeks tops – since we’re feeling generous tonight. This is the matter they’re referring to, one of those yellow-press copycat Gossip Girl Sims 3 sites that appears from time to time. Ironically one member they’ll hearing more of for much the same reasons is FeliciaB84, since she got temp-banned for reporting on the EA forum the following also mentioned by SeasideGal23: The font size is different without being unreadable, the style has been kept simple and workmanlike, and it’s already up to almost 60 members, the mainstays already being Ashpie88, Bliss87 (of course!), BeechNutBaby (of Sims 3 e-magazine Sensation), FeliciaB84, Rawla, Simslover740, Simsolated and TropicPrincess in terms of posting to bring the place to life. Sims 3 Unbound may prove an exception to test the rule. In both cases, most of them equally as crap as the inspiration. With the EA forum, everyone formed a forum when they were banned. With Velvet Underground, everyone that bought their first album formed a band. The relationship between Sims 3, the EA forum and Simmers is a Velvet Underground kind of thing. The person behind it is Bliss87, for reasons disclosed above. No, it isn’t some kinky site like Not Very Sexy Sims, the title refers to the fact you don’t need a copy of the game to register.

Sims 3 kinky world whoring